Feedback Treatment*

“I had so much more strength the next day, awesome! You are a gift from Heaven. Please write this into your web page! (Sylvia G. 27.06.2019)

“I feel a thousand tons lighter” (after a trigger point session J. S. 18.5.2019)

“I don’t know any other alternative practitioner who recognizes the spiritual background so clearly and helps me deal with it.” (C. R. 18.03.19)

“I came to you in July 2016 because I was desperate and believed that they could no longer help me and that I would soon die. You caught me on the first evening and through your kind and help in the further course gave me a perspective and helped me to find my own way. In the end I found faith in myself again and set off on the path of healing. For this I thank you eternally.” (Thomas Mejer 27.11.18)

“You’ve become my companion. I am very grateful for new perspectives, insights, suggestions and experiences that have taken me to a whole new level of consciousness. In addition, I feel understood, taken seriously and appreciate the freedom of values that you offer me. An important result of our joint work is trust.” (Diana B. 30.11.18)

“I heard about a recommendation from O’Shana, Juliane Kosarev, and told her about my physical complaints and my burnout. Before the treatments, time was taken for the right choice of treatment, it was asked and tested. I was also advised to have X-ray or CT examinations. She has successfully applied various healing methods to my extensive clinical pictures.
Looking back, I would like to say that I have spared myself a lot of further pain, which would have been caused by side effects of new physical complaints, e.g. an orthopaedist does not pay attention to whether I get further problems with the stomach and kidneys from the many injections”. (Andrea Goy 29.11.18)

“Angel of the month: O’Shana !! Specialist for Crisis Intervention ! It couldn’t have been better! Really unbelievable! A huge thank you!” (Katharina Jung 15.06.16)

*The naming is only done with explicit permission or at the request of the persons. In the field of medical practice, the duty of confidentiality applies.